Reach of the Brilliant Mind

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
-- Albert Einstein

Monday, October 15, 2007

Being phoenix!

Hello guys! after a looooong time. 8 months and a day to be precise. Phew! that's some gap I say. This could mean either that nothing interesting has been happening in my life or have just plainly been a lazy bum! Well, it turns out as you would have guessed even before you started reading this post that the latter reflects the facts :) A new post was a couple of clicks away when I started this blog and has always been since; and probably will be in the near future; unless ofcourse if an imminent revolution in HCI (human computer interaction) is about to unveil itself! Jokes apart, I have to admit that it was plain inertia that held me back. A basket of factors contributed to this inertia and in everyone's interest, let's not get into that right now :D What I feel truly deserves a mention (or possibly an applause :) ) though is Quest's periodic driving force which after several failed attempts has finally been able to help me break the shackles. Thanks a ton, Quest!

If I were to sum up the past 8 months in a few words, an unforgettable trip to California, a crush fiasco, move to a new apartment, a couple of trips home, some fun weekends and a haphazard monsoon would make it to the top of the list. Well, thinking about it, I did have so much to write about all these days! Missed opportunities; I would say. Nonetheless, this truly illustrates the theory of 'the Paradox of Choice'! I was introduced to TED talks in my CA trip and they have changed my perspective towards life in ways more than one. I would highly recommend watching these; not only for the content but also for the presentation skills demonstrated by the orators. The TED talk that hits the bullsye in my ratings is the talk by Barry Scwartz who in his 20 minutes of inspiring speech illustrates the theory he proposes in his latest book titled 'the Paradox of Choice!' I wouldnt even attempt rephrasing his thoughts here since IMO he puts them in probably the best way possible ( I think for today, I'll leave it at that.

Even though I do not have much to write today, it feels good to have penned down a few words and gotten back on track! Thanks again to Quest for the periodic dose of motivating impulses. The phoenix is rising!...


Enigma said...

for those of us who are "slightly" out of the loop, do let in on who (hopefully not what) "QUEST" is... I am guessing the vagators junta is already in the know!

Quest said...

Welcome back.
It took me 6 months of coaxing and a trip to Blore to finally get you to write again :)
Keep the posts coming

Unknown said...

Sahi hai. A post after loong time.

there have been questions raised over "crush fiasco" :)

When you had first given me the link to TED Talk of Barry Schwartz, I too was impressed. Led me to buy the book from Amazon ..But could not go beyond 2 chapters ....Will eventually finish reading the book in some distant futute :)

Keep the posts coming !!!