Reach of the Brilliant Mind

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
-- Albert Einstein

Monday, November 24, 2008

I am on a...

I'm on a...

A plank in the wake of a storm,
been thrown off blow by blow...
will the sun shine again and the sea be calm?
the answer, I don't know...

The storm wasn't alone,
they came in a row...
it's like you burn your hands with the oven
and then have a frost-bite in the snow...

I'm being pulled by strings,
their ends are in the grey...
should I just break off,
or be a puppet and obey?

I need a leap,
to take me far and away...
start things afresh,
like a bright sunny day...

It's time now to conserve,
the courage to be mustered...
for the leap will take effort
and thoughts to be clustered...

The leap will come, it has to!
and the day is near...
to lead me to an island
where the waters are clear...

I look out for that day,
and wait for the reform...
till then...

I'm on a... A plank in the wake of a storm.


Quest said...

Brilliant, awesome, fantastic !!!!
You've left me speechless.By far your best.

Enigma said...

seriously phenomenal ... cant tell you how nice! .. sorry, couldnt resist the inspiration to respond :)

ide out the storm your berth is safe,
and the tempest shall recede...
A new sunrise more golden still
persevere and you'll be freed!

No single blow nor many at end
should ever make you bow
be of spirit brave or just pretend
come fire, rain, hail or snow!

for the worlds but a stage, and us actors all
.. we dance to celectial whims
what is preordained what made at will?
who decided who sinks who swims?

all things do cycle from high to low
and all the tides do turn
it is but your heart that you follow
and the worlds disdain do spurn

Learn from times that are lean and dire
from days past sweet memories hoard!
As you look for that sunny island

.. ride your plank like a shiny surfboard!

Enigma said...

there should be an "R" to start that off :P .. btw

kads said...

Thanks Quest! :)

kads said...

@ Enigma...a poem for a poem!...didnt know even PhD defenses are capable of bringing the poet out of u :)